Friday, February 27, 2015

Blue Pelicans

Still in progress here...I did some "lifting" can re-wet some dark
areas with a brush, scrubbing slightly, and the pigment will loosen
and can be dabbed up with a paper towel.

Here's a close up of some of the lifted areas.

I still thought it needed something, so I added some pen and ink lines
and flourishes.  I may still add some colored pencil strokes too.  I like the
colors in contrast with the white birds.  I thought the complimentary
scheme of purples and yellows would be different.
It's just a fun piece...another Louisiana subject.  It will be for sale
in the gallery, or I can ship!

Blue Pelicans   Watercolor/Ink   11 x 22

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Blind Pelicans

Been working on this watercolor of these white pelicans...
I like the bright colors.  I am not finished...they are "blind" right eyes!  But I am going to lift some of the dark reflections
and add some details.  Will post when I finish...soon!

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Bike Shadows....Pedal Power!

I did get a chance to paint this bicycle photo...from New Orleans.
It's watercolor on Arches cold pressed paper.  I used a sponge
to make some of the texture in the corners.  The bike and the shadow are
painted mostly with just black, but I mixed in a little purple and blue.  I
thought it still needed some tweaking, so I worked on it a little more this morning.

So, here is the finished product.  I painted it all again, and deepened the
shadow.  I punched up the blues, and then added some more splatter on the
ground.  I like's different for me, but fun!  Maybe a bicycle enthusiast will
have to have it!
Bike Shadows  Original watercolor  $150.00

Sunday, February 8, 2015

The Long View

Just been scrolling through some of my New Orleans pics....looking
for something new to paint.  These are some possibilities.  I cropped
and saturated them with color.  I really like the shadow patterns,
especially the first one, the buggy.  We'll see what

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Winter Berries

I love these winter berries.  I don't know what kind of tree this
is, but it grows in damp areas, mostly in south Louisiana.  I was
driving around down there the other day, and wished I could pull
over somewhere and photograph them.  But everywhere I spied them,
there wasn't a place to park, or get out without wading through the
water, etc.  So, I was disappointed.

As I drove toward my house, here in north Louisiana, just down the
road, there they were! And the light was beautiful.  The ground was dry,
So, I excitedly got my camera, and snapped away.  I love the color and
the contrast against the sky.  These would be good for scripture photos, or
I can add a bird or bug in a composition.  Or I could just look at them
and admire one more of God's glorious creations that
color this grey season of the year.

Friday, February 6, 2015

The Finishing Touches

I started this watercolor awhile back, but I have been unable to get back to
it.  I did add the background stripes and the shadows on her

So tonight, I was able to get a little time, and do the finishing touches.  I added
some colored pencil in the background and a few squiggles here and there.
I thought it "jazzed" up the piece (ha!).  Anyway, I am satisfied with it now,
and enjoyed trying something new.

As women these days, we "wear a lot of hats", meaning we do a lot of
different jobs.  At the gallery, we also have a cafe, and I have been filling
in with the cooking for the last month.  My fulltime cook has had
surgery, and she is still at home recuperating.  So, instead of painting and
drawing, I have been measuring, stirring, boiling and baking!  But
cooking is quite creative too, and I have enjoyed it.  I have always
heard that the best kind of work is work you are passionate about.  Art is certainly
my first passion (although being a grandmother is running a close
second!).  But I enjoy all aspects of my business...afterall, it was all my idea
to begin with.  So, I will savor my last week or so in the kitchen, but I was
tickled to get to finish this painting as well.
And now on a peaceful Friday night, its' hats off!!