This pastel
is finished.
I had a
teacher in
college that
used to say
a drawing
was never
finished; that
you could
always go back
and change or
add something.
He was the
drawing instructor
at the University
of Texas in the 70's. He actually did more to teach
me to draw than any other teacher I have ever had.
Of course, it was a life drawing class, and we had
live nude models. We stood at our easels for 3
hours with short model breaks, and the class met
on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. He was
in his 70's then, and he was tough. He would make
us do it over if our drawing did not meet his expectations.
And I am glad now that he made me work so hard (I
wasn't always glad then!) I can always hear his voice
in my head whenever I draw.
Skagway Mountain Stream 16 x 11 original pastel
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