Sunday, September 9, 2007

Remember the Alamo

When you grow up in a city where there is such an
icon of history, you would think that you would
at least grow up visiting it. I didn't go to the Alamo
until I was about 13, and I think it was with a
school trip. My parents didn't go downtown ( we
lived out in the suburbs ). Anyway, everyone always
tells me the same thing: they didn't know it was
going to be surrounded by so many downtown
buildings. It is right in the middle of the hustle
and bustle of the city, and it is actually very small.

I worked at the Alamo the summer after high
school, before I went to college. I did not actually
work for the Alamo; I worked for a company
across the street that showed a film about the
story of the battle, etc. They hired nice, young
teenagers to stand in front of the Alamo, and
encourage visitors to buy a ticket to the movie.
We were very deceptive; everyone thought we
worked for the Alamo! We were dressed in
cowboy attire, and greeted them as they
approached the front of the building. We
pointed out all the features of the grounds,
and then told them, they could catch the film
across the street, to fill them in on all the details.
It usually worked, and we were rewarded with
bonuses if we met our quota!

I met people from all over the world. Most of
them wanted to see where John Wayne died.
(they had at least watched that movie) It was
too hard to explain that they had used a movie
set out in West we would always tell
them, "right over there". Many an oriental
tourist took their picture with me standing on
the spot where John Wayne died. oh well....

Remember the Alamo orig watercolor 7 x 10
$35.00 SOLD

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