Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Springtime in Paris

These are some more of the images I am preparing
in my mini portfolio to take to New York. These are
all from my trip to Paris last spring. I think the black
and white ones would make great coasters, and the
neon eiffel would be a neat t-shirt.
I have an interesting perspective about all this. I have
always been a "fine" artist; I have been trained to draw
and paint, and I have refined those skills over time in
all kinds of media, doing all kinds of subject matter.
As I have looked into gallery representation, they all
stress the utmost importance of working in one media
in one style (a "brand" I suppose). I find this so limiting,
and consequently, I do not have any gallery representation!
I believe that it is a valuable thing to be able to do all kinds
of artwork, and so I guess I have been looking for a venue
where all my skills would be appreciated. And so I will find
out this weekend during this licensing workshop and at the
Surtex show, if being a versatile artist is really worth something.
We'll see?!!
I would appreciate any comments on this subject!

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