Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Fall Cleaning or (Very Late Spring Cleaning)

Most of you know that I own and help operate
the Pea Patch Gallery in downtown Winnfield.
I have a studio and a framing area as well in the
back of the building. This August we are starting
our 19th year in business! wow Anyway, I never
have had everything like I wanted it (what perfectionist
ever does?!) But I am a lot closer now that we all
have been working on organizing, installing shelves,
cleaning out, and arranging in the frame area and
the studio. I was able to get some shelving and some
other storage pieces, and move some things around.
And it is going to be so much nicer to work in.
( I certainly didn't do it all by myself...thanks to all my
loyal employees ( and some of Steve's) for helping!)
In the framing area, we added the shelves for the matboard,
my biggest storage problem. I re-arranged the set-up,
and it is very organized now. In the studio, we added the
storage shelves for completed artwork ( I literally have
about 100 pieces now arranged by subject matter: cityscapes,
landscapes, animals, still life, florals, birds, "Riddle Pics",
etc. I still have the classroom area, my computer instruction
area, and lots of storage for supplies and books. I am still
going to tweak a few things, and should be all finished by the
1st of September. I am thinking about having a "Studio Tour
Art Sale" makes great Christmas gifts.
If you come by the shop for lunch or to shop, feel free to
walk through the studio area...I promise it will be clean and tidy!
We do all kinds of custom framing, and have lots of matboard
and frame moulding to choose from. Bring your project by
for us to frame up for you. That always makes a great gift, too.

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