Sunday, July 3, 2011

Dodging Ducks in Boerne

After spending the day in San Antonio, I

attended a great little concert in the park

in the nearby community of Boerne. My

brother and his wife play in the community

band, and they held their 4th of July concert

in the park tonight. It was so charming...

very "Americana". They played a wide variety

of songs..mostly patriotic. There was flag

waving and cheering, and applause for lots

of veterans.

After the concert, we ate at this little restaurant,

The Dodging Duck, named for the many ducks

that cross the road between the cafe and the

river. They also display a great deal of art in

the restaurant. These are a couple, done by

local artists. The second Saturday of the month,

they hold "Market Day", where lots of artists

display all over town, and vendors sell goods

and food too. This restaurant always features

an artist, and they are usually there to meet and

greet. If you are ever in San Antonio, go and

check out Boerne...neat place.

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