Today, several of us played hooky,
and drove into Jackson early this morning.
complete with live music on the square. oompah...
Artists from the surrounding galleries are
given one hour to complete a painting that is
then auctioned off. Here are some of the
artists and their works of art.

A moose sculpture and a couple of little cowboys

It was a beautiful day...crisp and sunny.
Dubois, where the workshop is, is about
a 2 hour drive from Jackson. We left early and
were able to catch the artists during the
quick draw. It was great getting to see them
hard at work, and under a lot of pressure!
Their finished work was all excellent, and
the prices during the auction were extremely high.
Most of the pieces went for at least $1000,
and most went for several thousand.
We left around noon, and headed up into the
Grand Teton National Park to take pics. I will try
to post some of the best shots next.

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