Monday, September 30, 2013

New Pencils and a Hat

I have to complete a few more pieces for the China exhibit
that I plan to have ready in early November.  I decided to try
this portrait of this guide we had on the long tail boats.  I love
his hat.  He modeled it for us as an example of the ancient types of
hats worn by the river people.  He sang for us on the boat in Chinese and
I sketched him in my book.  I handed it to him to have him sign the
page, and he was confused at first.  Then it "clicked", and he wrote
his name in those Chinese characters.  way cool. 

I am trying some new pencils, Polychromos.  I have used Prismacolors  FOREVER.
But recently, I have had lots of trouble with them breaking...often.
I am part of a Facebook group called CPAL, and it is made up of
colored pencil artists.  There is always a lot of discussion about pencils.
 Some of the artists really like these, so I thought I would give
them a try.  So far, I like them.  We will see!

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