Saturday, September 24, 2016

Taking Stock

When I was in Texas recently, I had the chance to go and visit
the Fort Worth Stockyards.  When I left Waco, I drove up to
Ft. Worth, and stopped there for a little while.

It is quite the tourist area now.  I think I remember it as a real
working stockyard when I was growing up.  But some smart people
have obviously capitalized on what a tourist draw this could be, and is
it ever.  I had to circle for about 20 minutes just to find a parking
place.  There was an antique car show going on, there was a live
country western band playing, and lots of dining and shopping to
be done.  You could ride in the old fashioned stagecoach, or get
your photo made on the back of a longhorn.  I missed the
driving of the longhorns down the's at 1 pm,
and again at 4 pm.  Anyway, it's a great place to spend the day,
and I would highly recommend it.

Fort Worth Stockyards
Downtown Ft. Worth

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