Wednesday, December 26, 2012

New Year Bucket List

The sun finally came out today, after a stormy Christmas day.  It
lit up these white poinsettias by the window...thought you might
enjoy them. 
I am reading a little book I received.  It is titled: More Than a
Bucket List, by Toni Birdsong.  I have been interested in my
own bucket list for years.  This little book, however, deals with
dreams, passions, and faith, and how you can better yourself
and achieve goals in these areas of your life...thus crossing these
off your "bucket list" as well.

"You'd have a hard time proving this, but most of us agree that the
older we get, the faster time seems to speed by. As our time on earth
gets shorter, the list of promises we make to ourselves tends to get
longer.  This book will encourage you to view these accomplishments
from God's point of view and to make your bucket list matter
eternally along the way.  With each page, the dream inside you will
be drawn out-the higher dream of what God has purposed for you." 
Toni Birdsong

so as the new year approaches, I will be adding some things
to my list...hopefully improving my character along the way!

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