Friday, March 21, 2008

Abstract Thought

I have always enjoyed drawing
and painting in a style that would
be called "traditional realism".
While majoring in Art in college,
I had lots of professors that
wanted me to work in an abstract
style. They argued that there was
no real artistic value in simply
copying life, and that I was not
truly expressing myself with
As I have been working on this
drawing, I have been impressed
with how each different area of
the drawing, removed from its
context, is so very abstract. I
have been aware of this fact over
many years, and have often
wished I could show certain
professors a work in progress to
prove that I can indeed work in
an abstract style; then I just
combine all the elements, and
aha! a realistic image appears!

This happens to be the ears of
the mule I am drawing, but you
can also consider it an abstract
set of pencil shadings and designs.

whatever floats your boat....

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