Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Ready for Christmas?

In between making lists, shopping, waiting on customers
at the shop, going to the grocery store, decorating....I am
working on this drawing of this house. (this photo makes
it look really warped?!) anyway, I am about half-way..
I will try to get it done by Christmas.
This time of year people keep asking the question: "Are
you ready for Christmas?" I don't mean to be a grinch or
humbug, but I am tired of hearing that. So I change my
answers; I either say a resounding, "Yes!", and then they
are green with envy. Or I say, "No, but I will be!" which
is closer to the truth. Or I say, "Are you?" As if any of us
is ever really ready...I think we do all we can do, and then
run out of time. And Christmas comes on the same day
every year...Anyway, I think a preacher needs to do a
sermon with the "Are you ready" theme. For afterall,
it is supposed to be about Christ's birth, and the chance
for us to welcome Him one more time. So, whether I am
ready or not, He is coming, and I look forward to His
arrival, His glory, and His Peace. To you, too!!

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