Saturday, December 19, 2009

Season's Greetings from New Orleans

I have been in South Louisiana for a couple of
days. I made a quick trip through the French
Quarter today on my way home, and found these
great reminders of the season. The old theatre
sign is on Canal Street as is the Ritz, and I took
them through the car window! I took a stroll down
in the Quarter, and was delighted by the Peace
greeting. Everything was quiet festive actually.
The street musicians were playing either
Christmas carols or Saints fight songs...they
are pretty excited down there. The game with
the Cowboys is tomorrow, and they were already
tail-gating. (is that a word?!) Anyway, there
were all kinds of "We Believe" signs too, so
whatever you choose to believe: in the Saints,
in Santa, or the coming of the Christ Child...I
hope "joy" and "peace" are part of it!

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