Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Merry Christmoose!

"Women "DO" Christmas; Men just Show UP, and
wonder how to Pay for it all" F. Walton

I was talking to a friend the other day about how
stressed we get at Christmas. There is so much to
do, and for the most part, we (the women) do it
all. I don't know why we (I) don't start earlier...
Christmas comes on the same day every year. It
is not like it sneaks up on us!
I am managing to do mine in stages. I have some
decorating done, but I am doing it room by room,
and working my way around. Part of my problem is
I work really hard to get the whole store done at
work in November, and then I am kinda burned out!
But I do LOVE shopping. I can always find something
that I want?! I have a little more to do. Now I just
have to wrap.
I hope all of you are getting to enjoy some of the
madness. Don't wind up like our little moose here...
tangled up and frustrated!
gail shelton art

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